The real voyage of discovery consists not so much in seeking new territory, but possibly in having new sets of eyes. (Marcel Proust)

I’ve always liked the beautiful movies love stories, but most i love the real ones! Not being very good at writing, I decided to describe them in images, focusing on the smiles, hugs, colors and the magic that animates the couples who, year after year, ask me to tell their story. I can’t assimilate my way to take photographs of a particular one current stylistic sector, I have got my way of telling,

My name is Mauro, I live almost overlooking the sea, and sometimes,
when I forget it, the wind flows through my win- dow bringing me his regards.
From my bedroom window I can see a small mountain, sometimes it becomes white, wrapped into low clouds, sometimes, rarely, due to the snow.
I like to walk and observe urban geometries, looking the sky I try to look like the clouds to some object or animal.
As I walk I like to taste the aromas that gently slip out of the houses; what I love most ?! the smell of coffee!
I am a professional photographer and I love my job in all its facets. Photography makes me free, allowing me to visit magnificent places, and meet awesome people, hear new sounds, enjoy new scents and tell new stories … for example : yours!
Blessed are those who will always kiss beyond their lips, crossing the boundary of pleasure, to feed on dreams.
(Alda Merini)
Federica & Mario
it was a beautiful wedding! So many emotions, so many smiles and lots of love!
Federica and Mario are two special souls and I’m grateful to have had the honor of telling their day!
Caterina & Stefano
the best place for a pre-wedding is where the sun covers two magnificent Souls with gold.
Where the sea carries its scent from the wind, whispering magnificent melodies.
Caterina and Stefano took me to one of the most beautiful places in the world, Phi beach.
Their great Love deserved one of the most beautiful sunsets in the universe.
Chiara & Fabio
The intimate wedding of Fabio and Chiara was full of emotions and a lot of joy, for me it was a real pleasure to be able to tell their Love.
Collect moments not things.